Saturday, August 23, 2014

When the Po-Lice gun down innocent people without cause the people have the right to respond in kind

I believe that when the Po-Lice are gunning people down black
men in America, or taze people with just cause, but especially
murder as they have in Ferguson, MO (Michael Brown) and
other places, or whenever and wherever Po-Lice engage in
police brutality and unlawful killings, then the forfeit the right
to be treated with respect.

On  average police between 2005 to 2012 Po-lice in America have
killed 400 people of color in the United States. It is murder.
(RT  'Local police kill at least 400 people a year, mostly minorities'

August 15, 2014 )

In a speech labeled 'Democracy is Hypocrisy' Malcolm X
had this to say
"The police put their club upside your head, and then turn around
and accuse you of attacking them.

Every case of police brutality against a Negro follows the same
pattern.  They attack you, bust you upside your mouth, and then
take you to court and charge you with assault.

What kind of democracy is that?
What kind of(uh) freedom is that?
What kind of social or political system is it when a black has
no voice in court? Has no nothing on his side other than what the
white man chooses to give you?
My brothers and sisters we have to put a stop to this and it will never
be stopped until we stop it ourselves. They attack the victim and then
the criminal who attacked the victim accuses the victim of attacking him.
This is American justice. This is American democracy and those of you
who are familiar with it know that in American democracy is hypocrisy."

It is not democracy!
It is not Freedom!
As for "What kind of social or political system is it when a black has
no voice in court?" It is an Apartheid system.

What is to be done? The people have a human right to defend themselves!
If the police murder a black man or any person without just cause and then
come into the community like storm troopers determined to put down any and
all protests then the people have the right, and should form a militia that can
overpower the local police, or force them to disarm, and to treat them with

If the Po-lice put snipers around during protests like the Egyptian regime,
then they should be forewarned that for every sniper that they put in place
the people will put one hundred of their own.

There is a determined effort by the ruling powers to crush the people
and beat them into submission. That is not freedom or democracy. It
is the tyranny of the wealthy and the people have the right to defend 
themselves, and put an end to such tyranny.

If the rulers of the US, UK, and all major powers can train and arm
their youth and force them into wars where they kill to achieve the
objectives of the wealthy, then the wealthy are saying 'This is how we
settle or achieve our goals through violence.' It is all they know.

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