Monday, August 11, 2014

I believe it is inappropriate to have the holocaust museum open whilst the Israel conducts genocide

I believe it is inappropriate to have the holocaust museum open whilst the Israel conducts genocide


I write this in all sincerity.
I am a Marine corps veteran of the Vietnam War. As a result
of my experiences in war I came back home with a passion for
truth and justice and against all oppression.

In the 1970s I protested against the Apartheid regime in South
Africa, and many, many more causes.

I had accepted without question the Israeli government's assertions
that they were under attack by Palestinian terrorists who wanted to
kill Israelis and drive them into the sea. However, just as in the case
of Vietnam where I once bought my government's position the truth
became apparent.

And, as I studied the history of Vietnam I have also studied the
colonization of Palestine, and some of the history of the  Jewish
people in Poland, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands. I am
presently studyingthe history of the Arab people.

The very things that the Jewish people have always stood for in
America and worldwide, such as standing up against oppression,
injustice, and for civil and human rights, has been warped due to
the political philosophy known as Zionism.

Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. Zionism like Nazism
is a warped right wing political philosophy that is racist, bigoted
and xenophobic. Both philosophies destroyed the best that was
within their respective societies and cultures. And, both Nazism
and Zionism depended on war, terrorism, assassination, to steal
land from the native inhabitants, just as the Boers once did in
South Africa, and the Europeans did in the Americas.

In 1948 David Ben-Gurion said "We must use terror, assassination,
intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services
to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

Is this just?

"All of the killed, with very few exceptions, were old men,
women or children. The dead we found were all unjust victims,
and none of them had died with a weapon in their hands."
--Eliyahu Arieli, Haganah member who arrived at Deir Yassin
shortly after the massacre, O Jerusalem, Collins and Lapierre, 1972

Is this just?

This is how the state now known as Israel came into existence.
The  country was built on Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide.

Yah Vashem is dedicated to the remembrance of the Holocaust.
Yah Vashem is described as a ‘World Center for Holocaust
Research, Documentation, Education and Commemoration.'

Yet, the museum exists in an a land that has been ethnically
cleansed of the Palestinian people who had lived there in peace
with Jews and Christians, until the Zionist came. Palestinians
have been ethnically cleansed out of parts of Jerusalem where
your museum is. Is not that odd?

The words ‘Never again’ are often heard in reference to the
Holocaust, but one is taking place not far from the museum.
What the Zionist regime did and is doing to the Palestinian
people, especially in Gaza is what the German Army once
did to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. And, there were tunnels
in the Warsaw Ghetto too.

As the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto resisted their oppression so
to do the Palestinians in Gaza. Both sides had and have the right
to self-determination just as native South Africans did under Apartheid.

I ask you, how can you have a Holocaust museum open in a country
while your leaders are in the business of exterminating the indigenous
Palestinian people.

It is my firm belief that the Holocaust Museum should be shut down
out of shame, and covered in black drapes right to the ground until
the Zionist government dismantles the Apartheid wall, demilitarizes
the country, concludes a just settlement with the Palestinian people,
including reparations, and acknowledges the Right of return as
guaranteed under international law.

Then, there will be peace as both sides had lived in peace for centuries,
and much good will come of it.

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