Saturday, August 9, 2014

Close the Holocaust Museum until Israel stops the Genocide of Palestinians and makes a just peace

Close the Holocaust Museum until Israel stops the Genocide of 
Palestinians and makes a just peace

The Israeli or Jewish people who back the fascist, racist, Zionist
Apartheid nation fortress that is called Israel in its committing
endless slaughter and atrocities on the Palestinian people should
have their Holocaust Museum closed and covered in black drapes
right to the ground.

Out of Shame that they are doing what the Holocaust was all about!

What the Zionist regime is doing to the Palestinian people, especially
in Gaza is what was once done to them by the German Army in the
Warsaw Ghetto.

The State of Israel, as distinct from the Jewish people do not deserve
to have a Holocaust Museum in Israel and open while they have
created and are making the Palestinian people live through their own
Zionist made holocaust that is imposed upon them by the Zionist regime.

Let's not forget that the Nazi regime stripped the Jewish people of their
personal property and drove them out of their homes and businesses and
then put them into concentration camps. That is what is taking place within
blocks of the Holocaust Museum the 'Never Again' reminder.

What Israel has done and is doing to the Palestinian people not much
different. Like the German army the Israeli occupation force is one of the
world's most powerful armed forces. They are bombing, rocketing, shelling
and conducting chemical warfare upon a defenseless people.

The Palestinian people have no air force. no tanks. no navy and no nuclear
weapons. Israeli has these and more.

Israeli leaders have no right to call the Palestinian people or Hamas, terrorists.
The Zionists and their so-called settlers (criminals who steal other people's
property, terrorize them, and kill them; they fit the definition of a 'Joint
Criminal Enterprise'). Everyday the Zionist leaders or settlers look into a
mirror they see a terrorist!

When Israel attacks Gaza, think of it as like when Charlie Company went on
a spree of butchering, massacring and committing atrocities in My Lai, Son
My village in Vietnam on 16 March 1968. Israel is committing another My Lai.

But, I say that the Holocaust Museum should be shut down out of shame
and covered completely in black. It would be better if Jewish people
worldwide decided to build another one someplace outside of Israel.

I believe that only when the Zionist government dismantles the Apartheid
wall, demilitarizes the country makes reparations to the Palestinian people,
and a just settlement whereby the Palestinians can return to the places that
they once lived in, and both parties reside in peace and harmony as was the
case before the Zionist began colonizing Palestine in the 1930s with the help
and support of Hitler's Third Reich, only then should the black shroud  be
lifted from the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.

One great irony about Yad Vashem is that it calls itself 'World Center for
Holocaust Research' and there is a holocaust being committed by the
government of Israel! Just blocks away. The  country was built on Ethnic
Cleansing and Genocide. How can you have a Holocaust museum in
your country while you are in the business of exterminating the indigenous
people: the Palestinian people.

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