Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thoughts on the struggle in Palestine: Ethnic cleansing and Genocide in the so-called 'Holy Land.'

Thoughts on the struggle in Palestine: 
Ethnic cleansing and Genocide in the so-called 'Holy Land.'

In life one of the hardest things to do is to take an unpopular position,
even though it be the truth. That is the case with speaking out against
the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the brutal oppression that is
required to keep the status quo...a state of Apartheid in the so-called
'Holy Land.'

There is nothing 'Holy' about Apartheid! It is pure evil to keep a people
living in that state.

I have lost friends and people closer because I have spoken out in support
of the Palestinian people. But To me, after I volunteered twice for combat
in the Vietnam War, as a Marine Corps rifleman (a 'grunt' as we called
ourselves) and came back alive through the grace of God what matters is
that I stand on the side of the oppressed. In Vietnam I was a tool of the
oppressor; the imperialist.

Most people cannot bring themselves to criticize Israel's treatment of
the Palestinian people. The world also remained silent when the Jews
were being herded into concentration camps. The Palestinian people
have had more bombs dropped on them recently than the Germans
dropped on London during the Siege of London. As someone said
today in Cork, what is taking place now is the Siege of Gaza!!

 What is Israel, but a nation of Europeans in the Middle East. The
only one, and like all other places where Europeans have colonized
from North and South America to New Zealand and Australia to South
Africa to Palestine they have relied on ethnic cleansing and genocide,
and that is what the Zionist of Israel are doing.

The Zionist leader of Israel David Ben-Gurior made it clear in advance
when he described the methods to be used by the European colonizers
of Palestine:

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and
the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

And General Moshe Dayan had this to say when the Palestinian people
were driven from their homes, villages, towns and cities:

" We don't have a solution, and you will continue living like dogs, and
whoever wants will go, and will see how this procedure will work out.
For now, it works out."

If people cannot see for real what is happening and feel compassion
and demand a just solution then where are their hearts?

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

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