Tuesday, July 15, 2014

In 1948 the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from most of Palestine by Jewish terrorist organizations. That is the root of the present conflict.

 In 1948 the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from most of Palestine by
Jewish terrorist organizations. That is the root of the present conflict. The corporate
media often refers to  Palestinian 'extremists' or 'militants', but they never refer to
 Israeli's who drop bombs or shoot rockets or artillery shells loaded with depleted
uranium as 'extremist' or  'militants.' Never!

Albert Einstein once said "It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists (Jews)
do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews." That is exactly what has
and is happening. And, it is a shame.

Just after Hitler came to power the Zionist Federation of Germany made a proposal
to the Reich that it help support Jewish migration to Palestine. Hitler himself agreed
and the Third Reich helped to fund, and give material support to the Zionist
movement from 1933-1940-41 which allowed for the migration of some '60,000
German Jews' to 'Palestine through the Ha'avara and other German-Zionist

The Gestapo, the SS and other German ministries fully cooperated with Zionist
organizations, perhaps none more than, the SS. One of their officers, Leopold von
Mildenstein went on a 6 month tour of Palestine with Kurt Tuchler of the Zionist
Federation  'to assess Zionist development there.'

When Mr. Mildenstein returned to Gemany he wrote a 12 part series in the Berlin
newspaper Der Angriff; the title was "A Nazi Travels to Palestine." Touching. As
a result, Der Angriff produced a commemorative 'medal with a Swastika on one
side and a Star of David on the other side.'

Himmler's SS aided the Jewish military organization known as Haganah, in Palestine.
The Haganah were considered a terrorist organization by other countries, and were
the principal military force in 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' (also a book by
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe), and later became known as the Israeli Defence Forces
 (a strange name for a colonizing army!)  The SS delivered 'German weapons to
Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs.'

Dr. Ludwig Pinner, a former official of the Ha'avara company in Palestine said this
"The economic activity made possible by the influx German capital and the Haavara
transfers...were of greatest importance for the country's development. Many new
industries and commercial enterprises were established in Jewish Palestine, and
numerous companies that are enormously important even today in the economy of
the State of Israel owe their existence to the Haavara."

The origins of the present state of Israel have their seed in Nazi Germany!

The war of 1948 was not just a war between to equal parties. There was and still
today what we call 'no equality of arms.' The white European Jews were colonizers
like the American colonialist, and the came armed with planes, tanks, machine guns,
flame throwers and other rifles and hand grenades. The Palestinians did not have
these things.

You misspeak about the Arab countries attacking in that the war for Palestine had
already been settled. Those Arab countries sent relatively small forces to make a
'show of force' to satisfy their own populations who were enraged at what was
happening to the Palestinian people.

In 1937 the Zionist leader David Ben Gurion, had this to say about their intentions
"We must expel Arabs and take their places." That is what the American colonialist
did to the Native peoples of America.

And in May 1948 David Ben Gurion issued these instructions to the General Staff:
 "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting
of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." TERROR!

Many years later he said the truth again, "Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves ...
politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs,
because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their
view we want to take away from them their country." 

Finally, the Right of Return to ones country of origin and even their homes is an
internationally recognized right under eight different branches of international law.
Even the Israelis recognize the right of return to anyone who is Jewish even if they
were never born in Palestine. Yet they refuse to recognize that right to the very
people who were driven from their homes at the point of a gun: the Palestinian

Truth and justice is on the side of the Palestinian people.

What I remember growing up in America was that Jewish people were on the
forefront of civil and human rights causes. On the night of 21 or 22 June 1964,
Andrew Goodman, age 20 and Michael Schwerner, age 24, both young Jewish men
were killed with  James Earl "J.E." Chaney, an African-American man were killed
by the KKK near Philadelphia, Mississippi during the 'Freedom Summer' campaign
to help register African-Americans vote.

Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner represented the best qualities of the
Jewish people in America and worldwide; It is 180 degrees different from the Zionist
in the state of Israel. And, what Zionism has done to the best qualities of Jewish
society and culture is sad.

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