Thursday, July 31, 2014

Anti-Israel protesters storm Rep. Crowley’s office in Queens

Anti-Israel protesters storm Rep. Crowley’s office in Queens

This is an excellent article that appeared in Veterans Today on Thursday 31 July 2014

The author is Jim Dean and I read many of his articles

[ Editors Note
The people of Queens have stepped out, despite my not knowing any who
are readers of VT, and raised my hopes of some major push back against
the Israeliophobia which a huge majority of our Congress critters seem
so attached to.

I salute these fine people for setting the example for the rest of us. It is time for us to thank them by following suit.

This needs to be done to all US Congressman and every public
official sock-puppet for the Zionist murderers so they can be exposed in
their communities to wake people up. God only knows that the corporate
media editorialists are not going to do it.

If we don't get out of our total keyboard mode and get some
street action going there will be no example set for our children and
grandchildren as to what has always had to be done to dig out corruption
in government...massive exposure.

And that is what it is. If you write any of your
Congresscritters and ask them to inform you what they have ever done
about the rampant espionage here in in American, including even warning
people about it, if you get a reply at all it will be a very short one.

Be sure to mention "political espionage", also, as they will
squirm a little when they hear that they probably never  have.
It is time to go back to our Vietnam War protest roots, and set another
example that we will not take this any more, this total submission to
the AIPAC Lobby.

LBJ was one of them most
powerful and ruthless politicians that this country ever had, and we
brought him to his knees. Many of the people who did that are still
around. Look around for them, and ask them to teach you how to do it. 
Something tells me they would be more than willing.

Want some more motivation? Even top Jewish leaders are
beginning to break ranks with the mass murderers.  From another Press
morning story :

'Henry Siegman, who is also a former Senior Fellow at the
Council on Foreign Relations and president of the US/Middle East
Project, made the remarks in an interview with the Democracy Now! news
program in New York on Wednesday. “The Zionist dream is based on the
repeated slaughter of innocents on a scale that we’re watching these
days on television, that is really a profound, profound crisis,” Siegman
said.' I hope you find that encouraging. I sure did... Jim W. Dean ]


First published July 31,  2014  -

Protesters in New York City target the office of Congressman
Joseph Crowley for lending his unconditional support to Israel in its
current onslaught on the Gaza Strip, Press TV reports.

Rep. Crowley, the chair of the Queens Democratic Party and a
high-ranking Democrat in Washington, is a staunch ally of Israel and his
views appear increasingly at odds with his constituents. Public opinion
in New York’s 14th Congressional District which is represented by
Crowley is highly critical of Israel, local residents told Press TV’s
correspondent Caleb Maupin.

Hundreds of protesters, waving Palestinian flags, gathered outside
Crowley’s office on Wednesday to express their anger at their
representative in US Congress.

Queens resident Naeem Eslam slammed Washington’s military aid to
Israel which is used to fund the war in Gaza. “Just this past year they
increased the funds to $3.2 billion” a year.

“That is money that could be used in this country
to create jobs and help schools but instead it is being used by Israel
to kill innocent Palestinians,” he added.

Ron Duncan, another local resident, criticized Rep. Crowley
for putting Israel’s interests ahead of his district’s. “He wasn’t
elected to support Israel. He was elected to do a job for the people in
On Tuesday, police officers arrested 50 people in New York City who
were protesting against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. The protesters had
gathered in front of the Israeli mission to the United Nations.

At least 1,360 Palestinians have been killed and over 7,600 others
wounded in the 24 days of relentless Israeli aerial and ground attacks
against the besieged Gaza Strip.

The onslaught has outraged much of the international community but
many US officials and members of Congress continue to support Israel’s
actions as “self-defense.”

On Monday, both Republican and Democratic
lawmakers gathered at an event hosted by the National Leadership
Assembly for Israel and expressed their opposition to any kind of
criticism of Israel’s offensive against Palestinians. “We’re here today
to stand with Israel,” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said at the
event. “As long as I’m Speaker of the House, this will be our cause.”
Meanwhile, a US military official said on Thursday that the United
States has allowed an American-owned munitions stockpile– comprising of
missiles, armored vehicles and artillery ammunition– to be used by
Israel as it pounds Gaza.

The emergency arms depot is located at a classified site inside Israel.

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