Saturday, July 26, 2014

THE DUNKIN DONUT MAN Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011



This is a repost from my first blog that I got locked out of..when I forgot my password.

I am reposting things from my first blog onto this one.


The photo: that´s me, and my cousin Bernadette Davis
in July 1969. I was going back to Vietnam. I volunteered.
Bernadette was a sweet human being who was a beautiful
on the inside as the outside. The outside was a reflection
of her soul. She didn´t have a bad bone in her body. RIP.

My first medevac from Vietnam took me to the Chelsea Naval
Hospital, then the rehab barrarcks, and after, to the Marine
Corps Barracks at the Charlestown Naval Yard.

Our ‘liberty’ (free time) started each day at 16:30. Shortly
before that time and after Marines were showering and getting
dressed in their ‘civvies’ – civilian clothes and on our way
to get drunk, laid or raise hell in general.

One of the days I was on one side of the squad bay; our living
quarters; two rows of bunk beds on opposite sides of the room.
There were two Marines on the other side and at the opposite
end from me. They hung out together.

The First Marine came out of the shower and said said to the
second Marine ‘Hey how’d it go at the bar last night?’

The Second Marine said ‘F*ck man, I thought I was going to
have to do a wolf’s shear. My arm was under her pillow when
I started to wake up. ’ (Wolf´shear refers to a phenomenon
in which a wolf gets it´s leg caught in a metal trap used
to catch a bear or other animal and will ‘shear’ or ‘chew’
its leg off to get out of the trap. The wolf realizes that
it’s vulnerable; it may not know that chewing its leg off
may cause death due to bleeding). It is acting on instinct
to avoid prey.

The First Marine said ‘was it that bad?’

Second Marine ‘How the f*ck would I know I was so drunk.
You know you’re waking up and it’s like ‘oh shit’ which
one was she? Oh f*ck what did I tell her, oh
did we get here, and how the hell am I gonna get outta here.’

First Marine ‘Hey, I told you we were going to meet up
with the others. We had a great time. So what happened?’

Second Marine ‘I woke up late today and was hurrying to
get back here before roll call. I told her I had to get
back quick or I’d miss roll call. I just made it. Then,
she said ‘Will I see you tonight?’ And, I was wondering
what the f**k did I say last night? I told her that I
didn’t know if I had duty tonight. She asked me about
tomorrow, and I said I know I got guard duty.’

First Marine ‘She get pissed?’

Second Marine ‘Hell ya. I thought she was gonna throw
something at me. She got up and said’ so was I just a
'one night stand?’ I said "no. you’re nice…it’s just that,
you know we’re not going out. I don’t know what I’m doing."

First Marine ‘Yoúd´ve been better off to say "ya", and not
show up. You should leave out the ´we´re not going out´´

I was almost dressed and she says you Marines are all alike;
just looking for a piece of ass for the night. Do you have
guard duty seven days a week?’

Second Marine ‘I didn’t think of that. It’s always when I’m
waking. I should’ve woken up earlier and got out.’

First Marine ‘You give em a big line of smoozing, and you
don´t think about what happens when you wake up."

That’s when I hesitantly said ‘Why don’t you do what I do?’

They looked at me and smirked, I was known for drinking,
getting into fights and brawls.

The Second Marine said ‘oh ya, what’s that?’ These two
Marines were a few years older than me and more suave;
I called them ‘The Everly Brothers.’

And I said "Look when you’re waking you’re muscles are
moving and even your body even before you’re awake, or
realize it. But, they know it."

The Marines said ‘No shit. So?’

I said ‘Just that if she starts to wake first you’ll
know, and she knows when you’re waking. The hardest
part, unless you want to see her again is to get out.
but, it’s a bit awkward when you just want to get out.’

The second Marine ‘Ya, so what do you do?’ They looked
at each other and smiled.

I said if I wake and think ´oh shit,´ and want to get
out I start kissing the back of her neck and shoulders
and telling her how nice it was, and how nice she is.

Then, I say ‘Let’s have breakfast in bed. How about if
I go get a half dozen donuts at Dunkin Donuts and some
coffee, and we have breakfast in bed?"

‘Ya, so what’ one of the Marines said, and I said 'I ask
if I should get some milk or anything else at the store,
and say I´ll pay for it. That way you can get dressed...
keep kissing and you can leave without ‘will I see you
again?’ and you´re gone.´

One of the Marines said ‘Man, that’s fucking cold.’ I
said ‘beats a wolf’s shear. And besides she may be happy
when I don’t come back. I only did it twice, but...’

The Second Marine pointed to his mate and said ‘Man, he’s
right, that’s really cold, but maybe I´ll try it sometime.’
I just nodded; they laughed, and I said that I didn't have
such a big head that I knew that the woman might be relieved
when I don't show up.' And, I stay away from that bar after

I was on my way to see a steady girlfriend. Well, she was 24,
and married, separated and with two children. I was 18. But,
I´m a ´family kind of guy´ :-

After that day, there were times when I came into the barracks
and  one or both of those Marines would say out loud 'Hey, it´s
the Dunkin Donut man.' And, things like 'Hey, you buy any
donuts lately?'

´No need to when you´re with a married woman.´

And, soon some of the others had heard about it and called me
'Mr. Dunkin Donuts.'

It’s just being honest about myself. I wasn’t and am not perfect.
Oh, but I’m much more mature; I’m 60;-

Why I wouldn´t even ever think of doing I could
say (in Lisboa) ´how about I go to the Pasteleria...´ Naw

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