Thursday, May 15, 2014

'The US military and sexual trafficking-Yokosuka, Japan 1969' Sat. 6 March 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My first time on 'liberty' in Yokosuka, Japan I got a taste of
how the military works with, cultivates, ignores, tolerates
and is an integral part of sexual trafficking. They are a part
and parcel of it.

Outside of every military base I was at were brothels. Some more
obvious than others.

In Yokosuka, there was a huge (about four stories) off-base
servicemen's club (an enlisted men's). Bars, function rooms and
a place to buy cheap (tax-free) booze for all military personnel.
It was called the Club Alliance; which was located across the base
on the main street.

When I first stepped off the base I was amazed to see the size of
Yokosuka. I was on a main thoroughfare...watching it all. I had
stereotypes of Japan in my head, and this city seemed smaller than
Boston, but not too different population wise. I wanted to see more
of the main street area even before heading off to the red light zone
for my first night of drinking, fighting and...

But, first things first. We went to buy our booze from the Navy store
on the first floor. The corridor was about 12 to 15 feet across. We had
to line up on the left. An MP(Military Police) was standing further down
and to the right of the line.

I bought two bottles of Beefeater Gin at about $1.65 per bottle; A
cheap drunk. It would've cost over $7.50 with taxes. (two bottles per
person each day was the limit). Burp! After that, I turned around to go
back the way I came in.

The MP moved in front of me and said that we had to exit through
the other door. I said that I wanted to go back the way we came in to
get back to the main street. But, he said (and pointed) that we had to
exit through the other door. It seemed bullshit to me(like so many
things in the military) because I wanted to get back to the main

The MP repeated himself; I tried to reason with him. But, he wasn't
about to budge. And, I knew that once I was 'set loose' in the red light
district guys like him-MPs would soon be looking for someone who
(roughly) fit my description (fights and general mayhem etc.), and I
would be avoiding them. A game I had already played successfully
in Chelsea Naval Hospital and city(my first medivac), plus Charlestown
Marine barracks, Boston, Jacksonville, North Carolina (Camp LeJune);
Oceanside, California (Camp Pendleton). And, I didn't want to give him
a face to remember me by. So, we exited by the door we were told.

When I was at Camp Pendalton doing my last bit of training before
going to Vietnam the first time I had a slight problem with two MPs in
Oceanside. I came back from liberty at my cousin, Bernadette and her
family in Burbank. When I got into Oceanside to catch a bus back to
base I'd had consumed the better part of a quart of Tequila. So, I walked
into a shop that sold military insignia etc., and I bought Brigadier stars.
A Brigadier General is the bottom rank of generals; one star.

I put them on my civilian shirt lapel (an instant promotion from PFC to
General;-). When I was on the bus two MPs came aboard to check our
IDs. When they saw me they asked me to remove my stars. I told them
it was my rank, and that I was the youngest Brigadier in the Marine
Corps, and surprised that they weren't aware of who I was. And, I
reminded them that they had forgotten to salute me. Everyone got a
big laugh out of my insistence that it was my rank, and that they
were out of line not saluting me. I also told them that I like to take
the bus just to be 'one of the men'. I removed them. Anyway...

But, that day in Yokosuka I said to Boyd(I think) that I wanted to
go back to the Main street for a bit. But, when we exited the door
there was a problem. I couldn't turn right, because there was a brick
wall there. And. there was another brick wall in front of me. I couldn't
go back; that's where the MP was. We could only turn left. We were
 in an alley. The military had it set up so we had to exit into an the
dead end of an alley and throngs of hookers were awaiting for us.
They knew. We didn't! Not, that I would've run away from them,
but that''s the way the brass had it set up.

Who was getting kickbacks (and who knows what else) for that?

And, by then, we heard all the commotion on the only street that we
could walk on-our left. After we walked a few feet a prostitute (among
the throngs of them) welcomed me to Yokosuka. Well, she had her
hands on my balls, and she was quoting prices and offerings. '$20
dollar...fuckie-suckie, fuckie suckie...$20...etc. A man's brain kind of
goes mush when that is happening (at least mine did:-), and it's kind
of hard to think straight. It's a bit intoxicating...especially for someone
coming from a war zone...but even if not.

I turned to Boyd with my hands in the air (a bottle in each), a lovely
Japanese woman attached to me, (and turning as I did a 360) I said,
"Hey, John, we're not in the hospital....or Yokosuka. We must've got
killed in the Nam cuz it looks like we're in heaven.''

As there was competition among the ladies...I had more than one
pair of hands on me trying to convince me that for $20 she would
bring me heaven. Like an 18 year old man, or boy, or a dog in heat (?)
I went with the first woman. She looked lovely to this Marine... nice
thick thighs, smile, and she seemed friendly. But, the whole time on
that street I was on high alert for pickpockets. My wallet was in my
shoes, and my money spread around.

The woman took me to a bar where I bought us each a drink. She sat
on my lap, and began gyrating on me... She said that we had to meet
her Mama-san...(boss). When she arrived, I guessed the Mama-san to
be in her 40s. The woman that I was with was just a bit older than me;
I was 18, and soon to turn 19.

I had to buy the Mama-san a drink, and she asked me the most boring
and stupid questions, such as did I like the woman, and did I want to
 'see her'? DOH!! as Homer Simpson would say. So then, the Mama-san
said that we must take a taxi, and we did to a place that was in walking
distance. I figured that the driver must be related, and it seemed that it
may turn out to be closer to $40-$50 before we were done. I mean from
the first drink onward.

When we got to the place for my first time with a Japanese woman.
It was a long line of apartments two stories high. And, it was adjacent
to the base wall. That is, they shared the same wall!

As we entered a strong odor was prevalent; I have always described such
smells (whether in a brothel, friend's house, or a friend who hadn´t
showered after sex, or a´s the smell of recent sex. I´ve
always been able to pick up on it) as 'like a fish market'...for want of
a better word. It was a place where fresh air hadn't penetrated enough
to reduce the odor.

I was looking all about me to look for another man or two(as in
getting rolled- never happened), but it wasn't an ambush. But, there
was someone else in the room. As soon as we came in someone arose
from the bed. She was a young attractive Japanese woman, and as she
got up from the bed she used the sheet as her clothing.

And, what struck me, or that I picked up on was that she seemed
nervous. That alone made me feel uncomfortable. I turned to the
Mama-san and asked who she is. And, the Mama-san smiled, and
said 'she your girl'! I said 'No'.  'I came with her', and I pointed to
the woman who I met in the alley of the Club Alliance.

However, the Mama-san was insistent that the one who I met in
the alley had to go back to work(picking up another Marine like me),
and said 'this your girl. She very nice. You like...etc.

But, I said 'No. I don't know her, and while pointing to the woman
that I had met I said 'she is the one I met.' The Mama-san was
adamant that I see this young woman who was covering herself
with a white sheet. And, she went on about how nice she is, but
I said no. I said that she is probably a nice woman, but that she
was not the one that I met met.

I told the Mama-san that I was leaving, and she tried to suggest
that I owed her money, and even that she could report me for
giving her girls a bad time. I said 'really?' 'How about I report this
place to the MPs´ She didn't seem worried about that. I left.

I didn't feel good about my first encounter. It left a bad taste in my
mouth. I wondered if this is the way it works over here, or is it just
these ones? And, I felt bad for the woman at the apartment whose
job was to see men brought to her. I didn't think that she could like
that. I went back into the red light area for a night of drinking,
fighting and fun(mayhem).

It was only years later that I realized that it's called sexual trafficking.
I at least had the right instincts. To leave.

As I had very little money until my pay records came to Japan from
Vietnam I couldn't see anyone. But, my newfound friend Boyd (in the
military you make friends fast and loose) said he would take me to
the waterfront area where there were older woman.

When we got there a woman took us into the entrance of a house to
wait for the other two women to arrive. They both had houses, and
were probably married. I realized that when I saw the ring on the
finger of the woman I went with.

Before they came John had to go to the bathroom. When the women
came in, the mama-san asked me if I was ready, or if I knew which
one I liked. I said yes and asked her if I could see that woman. Yes.
As we left I felt a tinge bad, and realized that John may not be happy
that I took the best...and he was paying for it.

We didn't get far sexually, because the woman saw the rosary beads
on my neck, and said to me 'You Katlik?' it sounded that way. I asked
her again, and she pointed to or touched the rosary beads(used to ward
of death in Vietnam-superstition:-), and when I said 'Yes.' She said 'Me
too.' End.

I met and loved a woman that I met there, Mimi. She was a bar girl,
and had not seen a man (sex for $) in over a year, and told me when
I bought her her first drink not to ask her out, as she didn't go out with
men that way. I spent time with her everynight. She educated me. And,
I never saw another woman in Japan.

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