Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29th, the Birthday of JFK “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”

And, he did, as did his brothers and family, but none like
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

There is no other figure in the history 20th Century of America
that has had such an enduring effect upon his country and humanity.

He was the only President ti win a Purple Heart for combat injuries
in war. He did not avoid war as did many others, such as the war
makers we have lived with Nixon, who really was out of danger,
Jimmy Carter, who at the urging of his National Security Advisor,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, began arming rebels in Afghanistan to draw
in the Russians into their own Vietnam.

In WW II Ronald Reagan made war movies. George H. W. Bush
was in combat, and also questioned about whether or not he ditched
a plane with his mates aboard, and alive. Bill Clinton and George W.
Bush avoided combat in Vietnam.

As I went twice as a Marine Corps 'grunt' (rifleman) I am against all
war, and don't blame anyone for not wanting to get killed. I didn't
want my children to join the military, and they didn't.

But, Clinton, Bush and Obama have waged war on others.

During the Cuban missile crisis Kennedy spoke privately of how war
would affect his and all children. Could you imagine Mr. Drone bomber
Obama having such a concern? Or, Mr. 'Bring em on' George Bush??

President Kennedy once said "The Chinese use two characters to write
the word ‘crisis.’ One character stands for danger; the other for opportunity.
In a crisis, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity."

That he was killed by those who secretly run the American government is
without doubt to most Americans. He was in a car that slowed down to a
crawl when he entered the 'Kill zone.'  He foresaw it, but bravely went
forward...not knowing when the bullets would strike him, nor where.

JFK's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln's warned the President now to go to
Dallas, but Kennedy reportedly said "Evelyn, if they want to kill me they
can" shoot me in a church, or words to that effect.

John Kennedy was a different man. He died because he was determined
make positive change, to end the 'oil depletion allowance' for the oil
companies, the abolish the Federal Reserve system. And 10 days before
his death he demanded the files on UFOs and other such information
from the CIA. He died because he challenged the stranglehold of power
that the bankers, oil cartels, military-industrial complex and others held
over the American people.

If more politicians knew poetry, and more poets knew politics, I am
convinced the world would be a better place to in which to live. 
John Fitzgerald Kennedy at an Address Harvard 1956.

God Bless his soul.

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