Thursday, May 15, 2014

'Mimi and Yokosuka 1969' Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mimi and Yokosuka 1969

My second medivac from Vietnam (yes, I was stupid and
volunteered twice:-) I ended up in the naval hospital in
Yokosuka, Japan. Was wonderful...almost heaven.

You make friends 'fast and loose' because you're not there
long. A friend John Boyd from Omaha, or Larry Childs from 

Indiana(Larry, when we die our mothers are going to kill us
for all the nasty slagging of them that we did, and trying to
outdo each other...'mattress strapped to her curb
service'), or someone else told me how it works in the red light district.

First, he had to explain what a 'red light district' is to me ;-))

Being that prostitution was strictly illegal...they didn't have
 'windows' as they do here in Amsterdam. He said that the bar girls
(called 'hostesses'), get a commission on the drinks that you buy them,
and if they see men 'on the side' (sex4$), and if they think you're okay
for that...they'll sit on your lap and bounce, or grind(perhaps, 'bounce'
sounds a bit nicer:-) their ass into your crotch to get you horny (Hell,
my brain alone or eyes could do that!).

As soon as he explained how it works I, (me, being me) knew what
I'd do.

For instance, one night three of us were at the Club Texan, which
was next to the Honky Tonk where Mimi worked (she stole my heart the
first time our eyes met-she's enough for several chapters, or a whole book).

And, there was a lovely lady (a 'hostess') with nice thighs sitting on my
lap...stimulating me. We also had very interesting conversation, but I
can't remember anything about it). Having a few beers in your system
while looking at those thighs, and trying to hold a conversation, let alone
remember what she just a bit much.

At one point, the woman asked me (what I was expecting) 'You like'?
She meant what she was doing...grinding...and would I possibly like...

I would say something like ... 'Oh ya, it's a nice bar, my first time here'.
Or, 'Oh ya, I love Yokosuka', and 'you and your friends are very nice...i'm
having a good time'... etc. Hell, I might even spring(oops..bad choice of
words) for another round of drinks. My friends said that I was playing
dumb. No comment.

The woman would think that I didn't understand what she meant, and
say 'No, I mean 'you like' "...and I suddenly felt more pressure applied
to my crotch area as she bounced up and down. Again, I would give a
variation of what I had said.

Then, she would make it clearer what she meant. Sometimes her
girlfriend might say 'No, she means you like that'...and point.

At that point I would say I was sorry, and apologize for not explaining
my war injury (non-existent:-). And, I would get up and point to a spot
just above my knees, and run my hands up the length of my thighs till I
got to the top. And would tell her that as a result of 'nerve damage' I had
almost no feeling there, and in my crotch.

To demonstrate, I would press her thumb into my thigh with moderate
pressure and say 'You feel that'? She would say 'Ya'? And, I would say,
'see I can't feel anything'. Then I would press her thumb down hard into
my thigh and say 'See, I feel that'. And, again apologize sincerely for not
telling her, (the eyes being sincere goes a long way; and keeping a straight
face), and for forgetting to mention it.

What do you think was the end result? I got some serious, serious
grinding activity (and even TLC...they felt bad for me-my injury:-)
which helped me to relax even more (putting away those awful
memories of Vietnam;-)...while enjoying a drink, and our stimulating
conversation with renewed interest.

The woman may be confused if she felt something hard and questioned
that. I would usually say that 'I'm a marine; I'm always hard'. Or, that I'm
okay there and I have eyes...i.e. my wound didn't affect my functioning there.

Once in a while my drinking partners would get jealous about it, and say
what are they going to use. I'd just tell them I can't help it if I'm smarter
than you guys. Or, cuter (as in the Irish term 'cute hoor'). Think of one
yourself; but don't use what I'm saying (you know I sorta felt like I had
copyrights to it). Or, do you guys expect me to think of one for you too?
Be creative.

And, sometimes one of my friends would tell the woman he was with,
that I had no 'nerve damage', and she would tell my hostess. The woman
would slap my chest-was their way-playful. Didn't hurt, and she'd laugh.
And, grind ever harder...and ask if i felt that...laughing One night the other
two hostesses left my friends for a minute and took turns sitting on me and
asking me 'You feel that'? Did I;-))) It served my dishonourable friends right!

That's what happened at the Club Texan.

But, each night I'd go back to the Honky Tonk and spend time with Mimi in
between my drinking and fighting. I had a reputation to keep up. Mimi didn't
do sex4$, and told me, and every other man on our first 'Never
ask me out'. Mimi didn't sit on laps, (that would have been heaven, just to
Have her that close...but, I gave up trying to think of a 'medical' reason why
 it would ' be both 'urgent' and 'therapeutic'...I'm sure it would have been,
but...). If Mimi was busy (having a drink with someone else) her girlfriends
were happy to keep me company, and sit with, but not ON me. Her girlfriends
were just keeping me there until Mimi was done. I would've waited anyway.
They were all a very nice group of women.

Before I left Yokosuka Mimi met (cornered) me in her favourite spot...the
exit from the bathroom, and angrily asked me "Why you never ask me out"?
She was crying. And, before I could answer she said 'I know you see other
Japanese girls. Don't you bullshit me'. I told her that I didn't like her that way,
that is, I didn't want to go out with her for a sex date...I really liked her. I didn't
see any other Japanese women after we met...well, except for those who sat on
my lap in bars most nights. I thought that if it was a local custom, then I didn't
want to be rude and make them sit next to me. But, I didn't go out (sex4$)
with any.

But, all that's a separate story.

I'm proud to say that during my time in Yokosuka I was a one man
Economic stimulus for parts of the local economy. My very first night in
Yokosuka's red light district I boosted the local economy. Obama, and
Gordon Brown et al, talk about creating jobs. But, I provided instant
and steady work for carpenters, glass and mirror installers, cleaners,
and rug cleaners who had to quickly renovate red light bars that I had
left in a meet other friends, or because I heard police sirens,
and decided it was time for a change visit another many places
and people to see etc.

I also helped (indirectly) to support those small local shops that sold beer
glasses, mugs, pitchers, and those small ice bowls (convienent head thumpers,
but they lost their shape). Bars were forever in need of replacements, and
shopkeepers were grateful for their patronage. There was no economic
downturn in the Yokosuka's red light district when I was there!

And, I gave plenty of meaningful work to the Japanese police (2 pm-5 am),
and the MP's looking for someone who (some said) roughly fit my description.
I found it good at times to approach them, and ask what was 'going on'? You
know, like what happened? Was there a fight, or accident? More than once,
I even asked them if it was 'safe'to be out if there with fights etc... They
just thought that I was a nice guy...certainly not the one that they were
looking for.

I knew that their job could be one long boring night of walking. I made
their nights interesting.

About the Club Texan, I was only there one night. The barman got very
rude, especially at me, so we withdrew our business. I thought that the
fella had no sense of humour. So we left after...

I was getting bored with chatting, grinding etc, and noticed that there were
two big navy guys (Marines called them 'squids') at the table near the door.
I asked my mates if they wanted another round of drinks? Of course. So,
I went up and bought two pitchers of for each hand.

Then, as I turned away from the counter I saw those two men, and said
'Hi'. I asked them if they were on the carrier (aircraft) that just got in. They
were. I knew. And, I went on like a little boy about how big it was, and
asked them, "Is this your first time in Yokosuka"? It was.

I told them the city was great, and I hoped that they'll have a great time,
and asked how they liked the city so far? One of the two said "It's our
first night out on liberty". So, I said "Then can I buy you a drink on your
first night out''? They were like 'sure'. They were drinking beer, so I asked
if they'd like a couple of pitchers of beer. I said it's cheap. They were more
than happy, and said yes. It seemed like the start of a nice first night out.

I didn't seem like those 'mean', 'crazy' Marines that they'd been warned

So, I took the two pitchers of beer in my hands, got next to the table, and
gave them each one... that is I soaked them from a few feet away...tossed
the contents on them (I whipped it at them-I thought that it would feel
refreshing;-)...face, chest, and pants. Then, I upended their table, and was
using it to push(crush?) them against the wall. Their drinks landed in their
laps. (Now, that was a shame, and quite unintended'). The 'Law of
Unintended Consequences'?

I threw a few (friendly) punches, as we say (just saying 'welcome to
Yokosuka';-), and was laughing so hard that I was losing all the
strength in my legs and stomach, that for once, my friends had to
come over and help me. And then, we ran out because the barman
said some very uncomplimentary, and rude things to us, and we had
been very good, even 'model' customers until then. In fact, I offered
to buy them two more replacement pitchers of beer, to make up for
my slipping and dropping (my excuse to the barman) the beer all over
them, but, the barman would have none of that. He went crazy, a bit
over the top, yelling at me, and my friends. But, mostly, me! And,
those men wouldn't accept such a gesture.

And, again we heard that familiar siren of the Japanese police. I
suggested that the other two go to another bar as I wanted to see
Mimi...and we could meet up later. It was also because Mimi was
next door, and the three of us together may not be good until later.
I went next door to the Honky Tonk where the barman, Jimmy was
nicer, and Mimi was there. I asked Mimi if I could buy her a drink,
and asked if we could sit up on the next level (it was darker there).

When the siren seemed to be coming closer Mimi asked me "You get
into a fight again"? I said "Is that the police siren, or the firemen's"?
She said it was the police. And, I said it was probably some crazy
Marines getting drunk someplace.

But, the police stopped next door and went into the Club Texan

(I was glad we left as a fight must have just broken out;-).

Eventually, the police came into the Honky Tonk while I was with Mimi.
They went straight to the back where the bathrooms were, and then started
started to leave.  One of the policeman (he seemed vaguely familiar to me)
went  to the bar, and asked Jimmy something, and he pointed in my general 
direction. But, Jimmy laughed and shook his head and hands 'no' several 
times about whatever it was.

And, then the police left, Jimmy winked at me, and waved his finger...'no.
no' like. And then, Mimi got up and left me as well. She seemed angry at
me for some reason.

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