Thursday, May 29, 2014

This is my 2cnd blog.i got locked out of my 1st one. If you want to know about me read...

This post is a bit further down

What War Is and Does to People:'The Girl I met on Christmas Day’ Da Nang 1968. (original 26 Dec. 2009)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Right From Jump Street

Right From Jump Street is the
title name that I used for my opinion/
commentary articles as a co-editor of
Lookout newspaper circa 1973-76(or 77)
at Boston State College(BSC). We were a
'Collective' :-)

BSC was a college and primarily for working
class dorms...just commute.

In addition, after National Guard troops opened
fire on Kent State(Ohio) students (killing four and
wounding nine) who were protesting the invasion of
Cambodia BSC had a noble distinction of being one of
only four (4) colleges and universities in America to
vote to expel the Reserve Officers' Training Corps(ROTC)
from the campus.

But, it was only the fall of 1973 that the student newspaper
'Outlook' finally caame out against the Viet Nam war...1973!!!

It was promptly closed and we Mark, Bonnie, Jim, Leslie, Lou, Tom,
Chuck(Charlene), Neil(photographer)Debbie,and a revolving cast of
characters like myself (who called themsleves either revolutionaries
or radicals) joined together with John a former editor of 'Outlook' to
form 'Lookout' a new campus newspaper. We are indebted to Tom's desire
to get a newspaper out, and he was big enough to put that concern above
political differences.

The school immediately threatened us with expulsion for passing out
an 'unsanctioned' newspaper. John and I (I think-definitely John)
went to the ACLU, and the school backed off...and we had a good
run printing an anti-imperialist paper(much to the horror of the
administration that had closed the other paper. We had great
graphics from Liberation News Service (LNS)...
and put our own mark all over that paper.

No computers...type writers and the layout was done by hand.
I wasn't the best at that.

BSC was a good ground for anti-war, anti-Apartheid and other
protests. It made going to school a pleasure for this ex-marine
looking to get involved.

Many have never heard of another massacre of students
'The Jackson State killings' that occurred on the campus of
Jackson State College, Jackson, Mississippi. JSC was primarily
an African American college and the city and state police fired
upon unarmed students protesting the war and racial discrimination
and harassment killing two(2) and wounding twelve(12).
This received less coverage than the Kent State shootings.

At the time of the Kent State shootings I had one week (exactly 7 days)
left in the Marine Corps...and many, many of us were not going to obey
any orders to deploy on the streets of Washington D. C. or anywhere!

Right From Jump Street;-)

May 29th, the Birthday of JFK “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”

And, he did, as did his brothers and family, but none like
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

There is no other figure in the history 20th Century of America
that has had such an enduring effect upon his country and humanity.

He was the only President ti win a Purple Heart for combat injuries
in war. He did not avoid war as did many others, such as the war
makers we have lived with Nixon, who really was out of danger,
Jimmy Carter, who at the urging of his National Security Advisor,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, began arming rebels in Afghanistan to draw
in the Russians into their own Vietnam.

In WW II Ronald Reagan made war movies. George H. W. Bush
was in combat, and also questioned about whether or not he ditched
a plane with his mates aboard, and alive. Bill Clinton and George W.
Bush avoided combat in Vietnam.

As I went twice as a Marine Corps 'grunt' (rifleman) I am against all
war, and don't blame anyone for not wanting to get killed. I didn't
want my children to join the military, and they didn't.

But, Clinton, Bush and Obama have waged war on others.

During the Cuban missile crisis Kennedy spoke privately of how war
would affect his and all children. Could you imagine Mr. Drone bomber
Obama having such a concern? Or, Mr. 'Bring em on' George Bush??

President Kennedy once said "The Chinese use two characters to write
the word ‘crisis.’ One character stands for danger; the other for opportunity.
In a crisis, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity."

That he was killed by those who secretly run the American government is
without doubt to most Americans. He was in a car that slowed down to a
crawl when he entered the 'Kill zone.'  He foresaw it, but bravely went
forward...not knowing when the bullets would strike him, nor where.

JFK's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln's warned the President now to go to
Dallas, but Kennedy reportedly said "Evelyn, if they want to kill me they
can" shoot me in a church, or words to that effect.

John Kennedy was a different man. He died because he was determined
make positive change, to end the 'oil depletion allowance' for the oil
companies, the abolish the Federal Reserve system. And 10 days before
his death he demanded the files on UFOs and other such information
from the CIA. He died because he challenged the stranglehold of power
that the bankers, oil cartels, military-industrial complex and others held
over the American people.

If more politicians knew poetry, and more poets knew politics, I am
convinced the world would be a better place to in which to live. 
John Fitzgerald Kennedy at an Address Harvard 1956.

God Bless his soul.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

On Madeleine McCann 'A body speaks' Portuguese PJ inspector Gonçalo Amara

 E:'Looking back at the McCann Case - A Duty of Care:
Criminal Negligence, Bad Parenting or Just Naïve?'
By Joana Morais

Yes, the death of Madeleine is negligence. Wilfull negligence.

    About Joana Morais. I found her blog to be an excellent source
of information, and reasoned thought about what happened to
Madeleine McCann.

     When I visited Ireland sometime after she went missing I believed with
my heart that something happened to her and that the parents knew. I did
not believe that she was abducted.

     What struck me most was the look on Kate's face. I thought that it was
a mix of guilt, and remorse, but guilt is what struck me. Gerry was and is
a 'pit bull' as it were. I could understand parents saying that their daughter
was abducted if they came home and the child was gone.

     A child can also just go off by themselves. But, what is known is that
someone died in Apartment 5A. The proof of that was provided by two
Springer Spaniels, Eddie and Keela, crime specialist in their own right.

Eddie is an EVRD (Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog), trained to detect human
cadaver odour, and he detected it in apartment 5A where the McCanns had been

Keela, is ' a scenes of crime specialist.' She can detect blood particles
even at a crime scene even if the place has been scrubbed with chemicals; even
microscopic particles unseen by the human eye.

1.(Madeleine McCann: L'Enquête Interdite - The Forbidden Investigation - 
Chapter 16

They both went wild in apartment 5A and also in the rental car used by the McCanns
after Madeleine disappeared.

The dogs went wild when coming into contact with some of Kate's clothing, 
and Madeleines stuffed toy. Why did Kate feel it necessary to wash the toy?
Was it to get blood or other evidence out and down the drain?
That can never be done completely and successfully.

The dogs went wild when sniffing the rental car that the McCanns rented weeks
after Madeleine disappeared. Why was there evidence of her in the car weeks
after her disappearance? Was her body being transported someplace?

I believe the hypothesis put forward by Gonçalo Amara, the coordinator of the 
Portuguese investigation, that Madeleine probably died of an accident falling
behind the couch whilst the parents were dining.

The facts are that in their statements they lied to investigators. They claimed that
they could see the door that was at the back of the apartment; a stupid thing to

The biggest problem that Madeleine's death would raise for the parents outside of 
the overwhelming shock and grief was the reality that they, and their friends had
been neglectful in leaving their children alone, and at the distance of one football
pitch from the restaurant where they were dining, and enjoying a fair amount of
wine (about 8 bottles between 9 people) is the possibility of being charged with

My thoughts? It is neglectful, but the McCanns apparently have friends in high
places which have helped them avoid what any ordinary couple would face: charges
of child neglect. Even after being a counselor I filed charges against neighbours
for both neglect and abuse, and for less. But, I was a mandated reporter, and would
do the same today!

Fiona Payne claimed to have had a 'Baby Monitoring' system; a device place
at the doors of her sleeping children that would ring loud 100 yards away
at the Tapas bar. What good is that if there is a child molester, or abductor
near the house. It's a false sense of scurity.

To leave one's children alone and go off  to a restaurant to dine and drink,
hell even for a take away coffee is negligent. Young children need to be
watched and monitored. When, my children were young I would never
imagine leaving them alone.

I once went into my son's bedroom and caught him climbing out of his
crib. That's why I wen t to check to make sure he was okay. When I
saw him and lifted him up I knew that I would need to check more
because what I feared was him pulling the crib over on himself by

It also happened with my daughter, but by then I was keen to it.

Imagine if I was 100 yards away as the McCanns were. It is neglect.
When a child dies in such a situation it is a terrible tragedy, but legally
it is also criminal neglect. Think about how many times you've read, or
heard about a parent being charged for not watching their children
properly, and if there was a death neglect was certainly charged.

Questions: Why, after Madeleine was allegedly abducted did Kate
leave the twins alone and go to the Tapas Bar to tell the others.
No parent of sound mind would do that.

For Gerry and Kate, having their daughter die whilst they dined at a
restaurant  meant facing charges 'wilful neglect'. Neglect of children is
also considered a form of child abuse.

'Child neglect1 is the most common form of child abuse in the UK today2, 
and the most common reason for a child protection referral across the UK.3 
For some children, neglect is so profound that they starve to death or die 
because of accidents associated with lack of supervision.' From:
('The criminal law and child neglect: -  an independent analysis and proposal 
for reform' By Laura Hoyano of - Action for Children).

In the forward to the report  Baroness Elizabeth Butler-Sloss,
Former President of the Family Division of the High Court and 
Chair of the Cleveland child abuse inquiry points out the fact that

'Child neglect is a deep-rooted and extremely damaging form of
child abuse. It is a problem which requires a multi-faceted response 
in policy and practice across a range of agencies.'

The results of neglect as documented by 'Serious Case Reviews (SCR)
substantiates that neglect can and does lead to death in some cases.

Faced with losing the twins, and having them put into care, facing charges,
even possibly jail, though judges are more lenient on high  professionals
like heart surgeons, and almost certainly the stripping of their medical
qualifications I believe that what the McCanns did is to fabricate a story
of an abduction.

Jane Tanner provided the needed bit by stating she saw the abductor.In
doing so she directed the police attention in the opposite direction from 
where Gerry McCann walked with the body of Madeleine.

The McCann's helped to conceal a body, and fabricate a story of abduction.
Jane Tanner and any else who lied also impeded a police investigation, and 
obstructed justice.

In his book on the investigation of Madeleine McCann 'The Truth of the Lie'
Gonçalo Amara said 'A body speaks'.  And, if they find the body the truth will speak.

I believe that Kate and Gerry should be treated with compassion and humanity
even if they face criminal charges because if it was an accident the burden
they will bear for a mistake is life-long. But, it is justice for Madeleine McCann
that must be at the centre.


1 As defined by HM Government, ‘Neglect is the persistent failure to meet 
a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the 
serious impairment of the child’s health or development.’ See HM Government, 
Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to 
safeguard and promote the welfare of children, (HM Government, London 2010).
2 NSPCC Statistics on child neglect June 2012,
3 C. Burgess, B. Daniel, J. Scott et al., The state of child neglect in the UK: an 
annual review by Action for Children in partnership with the University of 
Stirling (Action for Children, 2013)