Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Congressman Grayson, is wrong. Iraq is not a local problem. It is an American problem

Congressman Grayson, is wrong. Iraq is not a local problem. It is an American problem

The Cistercian abbot Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153) was
credited with saying
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

And, there is truth in that.  A different version of that statement was
said by
Samuel Johnson, the English writer, poet essayist, and
who remarked “Hell is paved with good intentions.”

And, that is what I am writing about. Many who call themselves
'progressives,' or 'lefties' can and do make deplorable suggestions,
or take wrongful decisions in the name of good. And, that is the
case with the recent statement by Congressman Alan Grayson, (D)
of Orlando, Florida.

Mr. Grayson has been a progressive and called out President Bush
and Vice President Cheney during their tenure in office. And he
recently called Obama's rationale
for striking Syria, (for allegedly
using chemical weapons)
as 'flatly false.'

And, he has called for a halt in the bombing of Iraq, saying that
“It won't work,” and asking rhetorically “When has it ever worked?”
He is right on that score. The German bombing of London in WW II
only increased the determination of the English to persist, and not
let it break them.

The Allied destruction and firebombing of German cities did not
make them cave in. And, as a Vietnam veteran, I know that the
carpet bombing of the Vietnamese cities and countryside only
strengthened the resolve of the Vietnamese people to endure and
drive the Americans out of Vietnam. And, they did; and I am glad
as we had no right to be in their country.

His solution? He sent a letter to the U.S. Ambassadors of Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, the UAE, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco
asking them
“I would like to know whether your nation would be willing to
contribute a substantial military force of at least 5,000 soldiers to a multilateral,
regional force to fight and defeat ISIS forces within Iraq, subject to the consent
of the Government of Iraq.”

Grayson calls this “a local solution to a local problem, and frankly will save U.S. lives.”

First, he like almost all Americans see things in terms of saving American lives.
I've been in a war. What the Feck about the lives of Iraqi's who have suffered
unbearably, and the lives of the Muslim soldiers? America would still have blood
on its hands!

Secondly, Mr. Grayson, it is not a 'local problem,' but an American problem. The
United States created the problem when it invaded Iraq on 19 March 2003! 
We do not even know who created ISIS. What we do know is that the US government
the creators of terrorism was providing ISIS with arms, and now they are the bad guys.

While America waged war upon the Vietnamese people our leaders supported brutal dictators.
Only when the Americans withdrew from Vietnam did the Vietnamese people have the
ability to settle their own affairs, and such will be the case with the Iraqi people.

As for the countries that you name to literally invade Iraq they have their own problems
and differences with each other. Let's take them one by one.

Saudi Arabia, one of the worst dictatorships on the planet except perhaps the USA.
Like the USA, the UK, France and all Imperialist powers,  Saudi Arabia engages in torture.

Saudi Arabia engages in ill-treatment in persons in detention. The country has 'no penal code...
prosecutors and judges' can 'determine criminal offenses at their discretion.'
Lawyers are not allowed in during interrogations.

Like Israel, children can be detained in Saudi Arabia

Kuwait has a law that makes it a criminal offence to "publicly object "to the rights and authorities of  the emir or faults him.” They may well take revenge against Iraqi's.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES you put your life in danger if you dare to criticize  the ruling elite. Torture, and ill-treatment is as common in the U.A.E. as in America!
Oman, Yemen, and Jordan: Ditto. Jordan has been a good loyal partner of the CIA's rendition and torture program.

TURKEY and EGYPT (have you forgotten about the massacres in Tahir by security forces?).  
Algeria and Morocco.

My reservations are the following: I know what happens when an army invades. People die,
women and young girls get raped and murdered (The US military has a staggering number of
sexual assaults and rapes).

I believe that a UN force should go for peacekeeping, but what if ISIS, like al-Qaeda is
a tool of the Imperialists? The Iraqi people are the best ones to sort the matter out
with any and all assistance they ask for; and I don't mean corrupt leaders of a country.

Mr. Grayson you make a mistake in thinking that just because the other countries you
ask to help are Muslim, then that will be cool. The English leaders were and are allegedly
'Christian,' but so weren't the Catholics of Northern Ireland. And, in case you forget
Christians are the greatest mass murderers of the 20th Century.

Look at how each of the named countries treat their own citizens. And, they are Muslims.
Bush, Cheney and Obama call themselves Christians!

A better way may be nations whose peacekeeping troops are respected to enter Iraq to keep
peace. But, the war criminals who started all this should be arrested and tried as were the
Nazis in Nurenberg!

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