Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dead children dumped in Septic Tanks and mass graves in Ireland & the Responsibility of An Garda Síochána to investigate

What kind of people toss dead infants and children into a septic tank full of urine 
and feces?  People who view such human beings as being devoid of any humanity 
at all.

It is one of the worst criminal violations on a massive scale in this country. 
And the spokesperson for AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA who stated that they
will not be investigating seems to have forgotten the requirements of 

Article 1 Respect the human dignity of every person.

Article 2 Uphold and protect the human rights of all.

Article 5 Be open and accountable in matters pertaining to the 
discharge of the professional duties and responsibilities of our 
public office.

Article 6 Pursue the truth by establishing and reporting all of the 
facts in an honest, objective, fair and impartial manner: justice 
being the aim.

Article 11 Discharge our professional responsibilities and public 
duties with probity and integrity in the interest of the public good.

Article 15 Apply and use Garda resources to the maximum
benefit of the community.

It is completely unethical, immoral, and illegal for the leaders of   
AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA to ignore what has been uncovered. 
Such areas should and would in other countries be declared 
'crime scenes' and blocked off and have the best forensic units 
brought in to begin collecting evidence.

AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA should set up special investigation units 
for this purpose and begin taking names and statements because 
justice demands it and as it says in Article 6 'justice being the aim'!

The Catholic Church with it's structural hierarchy resembles the Cosa Nostra
“Our Thing” with the Pope as the equivalent of the Mafia's "Boss of all Bosses" 
('Capo di tutti i Capi'). The Mafia in Italy can be traced back to 1208 A.D.

I consider the Catholic Church hierarchy to be an international criminal organization 
like the Mafia. The hierarchy has been involved in slavery, genocide of Native 
Americans, Rwanda. money laundering, the rape, torture and sexual molestation 
of generations after generations of children worldwide.

The Catholic Church fits the definition of a Joint Criminal Enterprise, or 
'Common Purpose' or 'joint enterprise' as decided by the International Military 
Tribunal IMT at Nuremberg. That is they have committed gross breaches or violations 
of the law in a systematic manner.

The rape, and sexual abuse of children are both widespread and systematic, thus 
making them Crimes Against Humanity.

Under the doctrine of Joint Criminal Enterprise, or 'Common Plan' 'responsibility 
for crimes ensuring from group criminality would attach to All group members who 
share the COMMON PURPOSE of the group to commit these crimes and had in 
some way actively furthered its aims.'

But, there has been one roadblock, and that is the police forces, the Departments of 
Justice, and the highest levels of political authorities in Catholic countries to treat 
Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, brothers and nuns as criminals, and as a criminal 
organization that moves perpetrators around the world like the world was a chess 
board in a game of 'Hide and Seek.'

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