Thursday, September 3, 2015

Irish Water and the right of the people to rebel

Irish Water and the right of the people to rebel

Most Gardai I’ve met are nice people, and mean to protect the people.
I got to know several when I moved here in 1997, and also over the 

But, in every police force there are criminals wearing a badge.

I could say the same about a number of policemen when I lived in 
Boston. But, I knew some slime who worked nights shaking down 
pimps, and Black prostitutes, took their money as well as expecting 
a blow job. They took bribes, protected the mafia’s business while 
harassing legitimate business owners.

There are people like that in every police force.
I am a Vietnam veteran and those in the police forces and military 
have a common defect. They ‘obey orders.’ And ‘don’t question 
authority.’ Garda, like police and members of the military say they 
don’t get involved in politics, but they do; their job is to uphold the 
vested, criminal interests.Even if they never intended to.

What you see in this video is the Gardai (police) protecting a 
corporation that is despised by the overwhelming majority of the 
Irish population.

They are also protecting another class of criminals: the political class, 
or most politicians who do not work for the people, but for the powerful
and unseen interests – people, banking families and other people who
rule the country like it was their personal fiefdom. Not to mention the
so-called ‘investors.’ Parasites.

Remember, what Malcolm X said is true: “Power never takes a back 
step only in the face of more power.” And, in every case of the people 
coming up against Garda, or even the army protecting the financial 
interests that run the country behind the scenes we must never forget 
that a numerically inferior group can rewrite the destiny and course of 

Remember Michael Collins, Tom Barry and others.

What would they tell the people of today?
You have the power. Do not let them do this to you.
Remember, your numbers are far superior to them.

 The Gardai are on the wrong side of the conflict with Irish Water.

Many years ago the Gardai arrested women, and eventually delivered 
them into virtual slavery: the Catholic launderies!

Many years ago and even recently the An Garda Siochana avoided 
treating members of the clergy who sexually abused, raped, buggered 
and degraded children as criminals. Others, in the civilian population 
would be arrested, and prosecuted, but the Catholic church was off-

In every case of developers bribing politicians to rezone land for the
benefit of their financial interests how many did they arrest and 

In Iceland, they appoint a women to investigate the financial interests,
and the result was bankers and others ended up in jail!!

When the CIA was flying their planes into Shannon that ferried
innocent prisoners in chains and drugged and gagged, our politicians
repeatedly denied they knew, or that prisoners were aboard. But,
they refused to investigate and check the planes as is their duty under
international law.

Both the Army, and An Garda Siochana turned their heads.

When US troops were going through Shannon on their way to illegal
wars they were not stopped, nor ever checked.

Last week police at Vienna airport stopped a group of American
soldiers who appeared to have no weapons. They were catching a
connecting flight to the Ukraine. The police in Vienna airport searched
the soldier's luggage and found weapons, broken down so as to fit in
suitcases, so they could hide them.

Democracy also means the people ruling themselves and overturning 
the established order and creating a new society that is more just, more 
equal, and more democratic. Some say that is revolution. Yes, it is, and 
it has been a feature of human societies that has existed, and will 
continue until the human race has evolved further.

But, make no mistake about it, the people have every right to say
'NO' to the present order of the political class putting into place 
measures to economically benefit the unseen, hidden financial interests 
that rule this country no matter who is elected. History shows that real 
change comes from the masses of people rising up and making revolution.

That's what the Irish War of Independence was.

The people have the right to mass and make the work of Irish Water
impossible to do. 

The Irish people are already paying for the water. This is a company
set up so other domestic and foreign investors (scum) can take over
and charge the people and make a buck off it. There has been a big
push among the very wealthy to take over the control of water on
this planet and extort what they can out of people.

The moneyed interests are driving whole nations into poverty whilst
enriching themselves, and this must be resisted. Irish Water falls within
that, and 'IT IS RIGHT TO REBEL' and take control of our destiny away
from the banking and other interests.



9/11 was a False Flag attack - terrorism waged against the American people.

This is a response - a comment left to a video

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly » T

9/11 was a False Flag attack - terrorism waged against the American people. It unleashed a tidal wave of hatred that was deliberate on the part of America and the Zionist leaders of Israel.

The tone she spoke to the Muslim woman was completely disrespectful, at best.
Hateful at worst.
She must have not read about the worst fundamentalism on the planet: Christian!
From the Crusades to today. And let's not forget there was relative peace in the
Middle East before the discovery of oil in the Middle East. Since then the leaders
of the U.S., UK, France carved up the region, installed puppet governments and waged
a terror campaign against the peoples of those countries.

There was peace in Palestine until the Zionists of Germany who struck a deal with
Hitler's regime (google the 'Transfer Agreement' - 'Haavara Agreement'). There was
even a medal struck with a Swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other side.

The Zionist ethnically cleansed the Palestinian people from their homes, lands, farms,
fields, businesses and put them in concentration camps like Gaza and the West Bank -
Indian Reservations of the Middle East.

Brigitte Gabriel sounds like a hateful and bigoted woman against Muslims. Let's get one thing straight right off the bat. No planes were hijacked on 9/11 by any so-called 'Muslim extremists.' It is a physical impossible for those commercial airlines to have brought down the WTC towers.

In 1947 a B-25 Mitchell bomber crashed in the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in Manhattan. The structural integrity of the building 'was not affected!'

The building was not imploded, though it appears charges went off at levels.
But, then reason we know it wasn't a classic implosion is because if the WTC towers
were imploded almost 1 million tons of steel and concrete would have come crashing
down, and the shock of that would have destroyed the 'bathtub' that kept out the Hudson river. The 'Bathtub' as it is called was built was built as a necessary prerequisite
to building the towers. It is a rectangle 'with sides about 980 and 520 feet, and at a depth of about seven stories below the surface.

That's why it wasn't an implosion. Firemen, and other experts were astonished at
the lack of debris that should have been on the ground. Almost everything was turned
to dust on it's way down. I've seen implosions, and that was extremely weird.

Where did 90%-98% of the steel and concrete go?

In all the history of steel and concrete buildings only two were destroyed by fire,
and that was on 9/11; the WTC towers!

In October 2004 a fire raged in a26 floors of a 56 story building in Caracas,
Venezuela for 17+ hours. The building did not collapse!

There have been horrendous fires in other tall structures:
- May 1988 a fire in the Interstate Bank Building in Los Angeles.
- Feb. 1991 eight floors were destroyed in the Meridian Plaza building
Philadelphia. the fire burned for 18 hours.
- Feb. 2005 a 'towering inferno' in Taiwan. Didn't collapse.
on and on and on.

How is it that some of the 9/11 planes were still in operation and with the
same tail numbers still in use years later.

9/11 was an act of terror from the inside. Another name for that is a 'False Flag'
attack used to provide a pretext for the US global wars.
The right wing neo-cons of the 'Project for the New American Century'
wrote in 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' pushing for global war that the
American people would not accept an aggressive war policy "...absent
some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a Pearl Harbor." Page 52.

In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military approved a plan to
in the words of 'Operation Northwoods'' "We could develop a Communist Cuban
terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even Washington..."

"We could blow up a ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba."
"Casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of indignation."
They talked about using drones.

9/11 was a new version of 'Operation Northwoods!'

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bernie Sanders promises change, but true change comes when people make Revolution

Bernie Sanders promises change, but true change comes 
when people make Revolution
I lived in the state of Vermont for 10 years from 1987 to 1997. 
I voted for Bernie Sanders in his 1990 successful bid for the 
House of Representatives. But, I did not vote for him again, 
because I felt that what he did in 1990 and after was nothing 
short of opportunism! 
The incumbent, Peter Smith, a decent man had been in a meeting 
where he heard from a woman who described what it was like for 
a woman to live " a culture of fear, and she faced danger and 
threat because of guns every day of her life.” 
Peter Smith talks about how it changed him. "I'll never forget, [the 
next day] brushing my teeth, looking in the mirror in my bathroom 
and realizing, as clear as day, I’m going to have to look at this face 
for the rest of my life in the mirror, and I want to be proud of the person 
I see,” Smith said. “I went back and looked up the gun bills.” 
 'Smith found a bill to ban the sale of some assault weapons. He signed 
on as a co-sponsor.' Then, the NRA lauched a campaign to defeat his 
re-election bid. Wayne LaPierre, spokesman for the NRA said "It is not 
about Peter Smith vs. Bernie Sanders...“It is about integrity in politics.” 
When has the NRA ever been concerned about “integrity in politics?” 
Bernie sided with the NRA and they helped to get him elected, and the 
talk was that they would get him out the next time, but Sanders said on 
the issue of assault weapons "“Unlike some people, I won’t change my 
views on the subject,” 
Sanders voted against the Brady Bill. However, he 'supported an NRA-
backed bill to shield gun manufacturers from liability lawsuits.' 
He's an opportunist.  He's right wing on the gun issue. 
 (See: 'How the National Rifle Association helped get Bernie Sanders elected'  
Bernie talks about the Billionaire Class, but he's soft on the Pentagon- the 
military-industrial complex- I doubt you'll find that word in his speeches. 
He doesn't zoom in on the Pentagon; he talks about the 'wastes' of resources...or 
fraud, but he's NO SOCIALIST. He votes with the democrats over 90% of the time. 
He talks about 'lowering the military budget.' That's what happens when a 
person who once considered themselves a socialist spends time in 
Washington and their biggest job is getting re-elected. 
Change does not come from the top; change comes from the masses of people 
in their millions. That's something that Bernie has forgotten. He's just another 
politician, and votes for the NRA. I am a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran; 
a 'grunt' and volunteered twice. Later I joined Vietnam Veterans Against 
the War, (VVAW) and was in the June 6th, 1976 takeover of the Statue of Liberty.
A good friend of mine, Jimmy, Pettiford, a Marine Corps Vietnam vet and
the man who got me to join Vietnam Veterans Against the War, (VVAW)once
said about Presidential elections that the rich give the people 'a choice between
constipation or  diarrhea. This election is no different.

In 2008 the masses of people yearning for change were told by Barack Obama 
that he would deliver 'Change you can believe in.' What a fecking con job that
was for the Wall Street Banksters.

Remember on 27 October 2007 Obama said this
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time 
I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. 
We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. "

Monday, June 22, 2015

45 years ago today, June 22nd, 1968 I entered Marine Corps Boot Camp

 45 years ago today, June 22nd, 1968 I entered Marine Corps Boot Camp

I had been prepared and told what to expect, but nothing
can really prepare you. My biggest asset was the knowledge
that I could and would take what ever abuse and humiliation
the DIs (drill Instructors) could dish out.

My father and Catholic school (nuns) prepared me for that.
Marine Corps boot camp is all about S&M. The Drill Instructors
are sadist, and have a blank check to smack the hell out of

the worst thing that happened to me was the day I had eight
teeth pulled out by the dentist. When I got back to the barracks
one DI didn't know I had been to the dentist and smacked me
square in the mouth.

But, I survived the nine weeks, and went on to advanced infantry
training, Staging Battalion in California and then Vietnam. I was
there just over two months by days when medevaced to the states;
dysentary and I had a seizure.

I went back to Vietnam because as odd as it seems I felt more
at home in a combat zone, than back in the US.

Below are some photos of the war; they are not my photos.,%27+1966+%2812%29.jpg

Dirty, exhausted looking US Marine on patrol with his squad near the DMZ during the Vietnam War.

 Wounded and shocked civilian survivors of Dong Xoai crawl out of a fort bunker on June 6, 1965, where they survived murderous ground fighting and air bombardments of the previous two days. (Horst Faas/AP)
 Women and children crouch in a muddy canal as they take cover from intense Viet Cong fire at Bao Trai, about 20 miles west of Saigon, on January 1, 1966. Paratroopers, background, of the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade escorted the South Vietnamese civilians through a series of firefights during the U.S. assault on a Viet Cong stronghold. (Horst Faas/AP)

,%27+1966+%2811%29.jpgShell shocked wounded Marine being bandaged in muddy jungle during OP Prairie US mil. sweep just s. of DMZ, S. Vietnam.

 A South Vietnamese Marine, severely wounded in a Viet Cong ambush, is comforted by a comrade in a sugar-cane field at Duc Hoa, about 12 miles from Saigon, ..
 Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk torched himself on 11 June 1963
in Saigon to protest the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by Ngô Đình Diệm. Diem was installed by the US government, and was notoriously corrupt and authoritarian. Wiki source 
vietnam war rally girl with naphalm burns classic shot
 Military police, reinforced by Army troops, throw back anti-war demonstrators as they tried to storm a mall entrance doorway at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on October 21, 1967. (AP)
 Fourteen-year-old Mary Ann Vecchio screams over the body of 20-year-old Kent State student Jeffrey Miller after he was shot by the Ohio National Guard during a protest against the U.S. invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War on May 4, 1970. (John Paul Filo/Library of Congress) 
Don McCullin Shell Shocked US Marine, Vietnam, Hue 1968, printed 2013 © Don